Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas in Singapore

With the exception of Orchard Road, which is commercialized, and the newspapers, for all the discounts, Christmas is pretty dry and lonely here in Singapore. My pals at work, who are from the Philippines, a really nice bunch, have mentioned again and again that there is no holiday feeling in the air at all.

There seems to be no air of the holiday spirit, the spirit of love and joy that comes from looking forward towards some time with family and friends. Even in my own country, Myanmar which is predominantly Buddhist, There is a sense of Christmas in the air. There is that wonderful sense of hope and renewal that comes with the season.

But none of that in Singapore! Curiously so devoid of any special holiday feeling or any spiritual feeling.
I had noticed, when I had arrived, that Singapore and Singaporeans lacked a spiritual element.
They seem to be more superstitious than religious!
Even then, as soon as I got out of the airport. But it has been never more evident then what I see now.

So, I refuse to go along with the crowd. I will make something of it.

I will try to visit as many blogs that I can before Christmas and will wish them and theirs , A Very Merry Christmas and A Wonderful Warm Happy New Year.
So I will keep hitting the 'next blog' button.
And leaving season's greeting to all.

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